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Opening Times: Tue + Wed + Sat, 11 - 15 hr / Thu - Fri, 11 - 18 hr

Moiré: Books in Motion

Moiré: Books in Motion
There There Ltd. and Rollbuch

Book presentation⎢Wed. Feb 1, 19 - 21 hr / Florastr.61, 13187 Berlin 

Moiré patterns are interference patterns that can be produced when an opaque ruled pattern with transparent gaps is overlaid on another similar pattern. Moiré patterns are often applied to a variety of printed materials to provide a new and enjoyable visual experience.

In this book presentation event, we would like to introduce various printed matters using the moiré effect by highlighting two projects: Kuwasawa Design School Guidebook designed by There There Ltd. (Tokyo, 2022, 2023) and Untitled by Jonathan Steffens (Rollbuch: Berlin, 2021)

*The event is part of Vorspiel 2023


Kuwasawa Design School Guide Book 2022

Design: There There Ltd

iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 Winner
D&AD Awards 2022 Shortlisted
German Design Award 2023 Gold
Creative Communication Award 2022 Best of Best
German Design Award Gold 2023

School guidebook for Kuwasawa Design School, the first design school in Japan. In recent years, online communication is increasing, and the line between reality and virtual is becoming more and more blurry. As a school guidebook in this age, There There pursued the possibility of design by expressing what was recognised as digital with analog (paper and print) and hopes to encourage future students to take an interest in design.

There There Ltd.

Design studio based in Tokyo, Japan.

Founder: WATANABE Kazune, graduated from Kuwasawa Design School in 2005. Based on typography, we design in a wide variety of genres, focusing on books, magazines, posters. These days we are working on the original project, including a product creation and installation. 


Jonathan Steffens
Rollbuch, 2021

The graphics created by Jonathan Steffens take advantage of the effect of well-directed interference: Motion is cut into individual images and these are overlaid on top of each other. By moving the graphic, the individual images become visible alternately in quick sequences and create the illusion of a film.

Thematically, Jonathan Steffens' work deals with fantastic industrial worlds, with interlocking machine parts that produce movement in endless rotation only to keep themselves alive. The form follows a function, which again creates new forms, whose function lies only in their own form.


The technical mechanism of Rollbuch was found within millions of roll film cameras just two decades ago. With the idea of creating a "book with an endless page within a winding-box", we are aiming to give a new and fluid reading experience.

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