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Opening Times: Tue + Wed + Sat, 11 - 15 hr / Thu - Fri, 11 - 18 hr

Up and Coming: Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design 2023


Up and Coming: Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design 2023
Anna Wank, Shinichiro Shiraishi, Carlota Barberán Madruga

July 13 - August 26, 2023 

Vernissage⎢Thurs. July 13, 18 - 21 hr 
Opening Times⎢Thurs. + Fri. 11 – 18 hr⁠ / Sat. 11 – 16 hr⁠ and by appointment
Summer break⎢August 1 – 6, 2023

In cooperation with Stiftung Buchkunst 

Interview / Lesart Deutschlandfunk Kultur with Jaja Mirani  
Article / taz, Faltung, Bindung, Bebilderung by Marlena Wessollek


Exhibition view: Up and Coming: Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design 2023,, 2023 © Stiftung Buchkunst, (Photo: Hyemi Cho) and Stiftung Buchkunst (German foundation for book design) continue their cooperation with the presentation of the awardees of the 2023 “Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design”.

The designers Anna Wank, Carlota Barberán Madruga and Shinichiro Shiraishi together with Enno Pötschke, who were awarded the 2023 Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design, will be honoured with an exhibition. On display are the three award-winning publications, but also their translation into space: staged excerpts from the works, sculptural manifestations of photographs, as well as interviews from the development phase. Supplemented by art prints, posters, and the shortlist of this year's Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design. The three works are united by the reproduction of a personal point of view, which becomes comprehensible to outsiders through the medium of the printed object.

Anna Wank
Entblößen & Verdecken

Shinichiro Shiraishi, Design: Enno Pötschke, published by Edition Taube

Carlota Barberán Madruga



Entblößen & Verdecken // Anna Wank
What do “Women of Algiers” by Picasso and “Pee on Presidents” by Melanie Bonajos have in common? They show exposure and were therefore censored. However, the year of origin and the year of censorship are often not identical, sometimes even centuries apart. For example, an almost 30.000-year-old picture of Venus of Willendorf was censored on social media only in 2021. This book shows why the depiction of nudity is still censored today and to what absurd consequences this can lead in art. The theme is also taken up in the layout by concealing pages and playing with the shape of the text.

Anna Wank (*1995) studied art history at LMU in Munich and at VIU in Venice. She then went on to study communication design at HAW in Hamburg and at MICA in Baltimore. She works as a graphic designer at Studio Oeding in Hamburg and, as a freelancer, mainly designs projects in the cultural field, for which she creates catalogues, magazines, and posters, amongst other things. Her focus is on print and typography.

Samsara // Shinichiro Shiraishi, Design: Enno Pötschke, published by Edition Taube
“When I was in Dungeness, I felt like the landscape was exactly what I was looking for,” Shiraishi explains. Shot on analogue film and edited digitally, the monochromatic contours of the landscape rise off the page, shimmering. “Nature and artificial objects exist equally there, beyond time. I tried to capture them like an encyclopaedia of flowers.”
In Dungeness there is balance: life and death, yin and yang, black and white. This duality of place is replicated by the design of the book. Images shimmer, black pages balance white, adder stones puncture paper. Through collapsing time and space, they bring us closer to the emotions and landscape of Dungeness—a cobblestone headland stranded at the edge of England.

Shinichiro Shiraishi (b. 1986) is a Berlin-based Japanese photographer whose interest in the natural landscape and photographic methods are drawn together in Samsara. Shot on the coast of England in Dungeness, Samsara is influenced by memories of childhood visits to his grandparents’ home in the countryside of Japan, and the realisation that arose from his time there: that the natural and man-made were both part of the landscape, a part of nature.

Willkommen // Carlota Barberán Madruga
After training as a photographer and art director Carlota Barberán Madruga studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. In 2012 she moved from Salamanca, Spain, to Munich where she has been living and working ever since.
Her role as a woman, as well as a migrant and the experiences associated with it, have significantly shaped the design and subject of her work, and influenced the choice of her career path. Working as a freelancer allows her to strengthen her interest and commitment to her own social projects. Her projects range from digital to print, and across the interface between the two.
She creates rhythm in structures and seeks visual pragmatism.
From bureaucratic structures to the sexualization of an accent, the publication Willkommen collects experiences of migrants and confronts them with media coverage. A language unfolds that is not intentionally flawed and conveys a certain naivety with sincerity and depth.
(Statement) Our communication forms a bridge between the social and the emotional.


Exhibition View: Up and Coming: Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design 2023,, 2023 (Photo: Hyemi Cho)

Exhibition view: Up and Coming: Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design 2023,, 2023 © Stiftung Buchkunst, (Photo: Hyemi Cho)

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