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Opening Times: Tue + Wed + Sat, 11 - 15 hr / Thu - Fri, 11 - 18 hr
12 + 12 = 24 : Being with Others - ZusammenseinCoinciding with December 12, 2024 (12+12=24), we asked the 12 artists featured in Calendar 2025 to each...
12 + 12 = 24 : Being with Others - Zusammensein
The wall is a piece of paper.Dieter Roth said, “I only agree to do an exhibition if there is also an...
The wall is a piece of paper.
KOHLEFADEN (hilo de carbón)Taking a material used in contemporary industry, carbon fibre, the artist Pilar Millán reflects on...
KOHLEFADEN (hilo de carbón)
Works on Paper"Works on Paper" at presents the sprawling mail art project of Zoller & Porter...
Works on Paper
A Scroll. A Story. A Sentence.Round not Square, a unique publishing house focuses on the reinvention of scrolls and the...
A Scroll. A Story. A Sentence.
The Masochist"The Masochist" is a multi-media installation. An artist's book and sculptural objects form part of...
The Masochist
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