Publication Revue No.1
publication revue is a journal about artists’ books and publications. Providing a new platform for discussion, reflection and creation to the many actors who make publishing an artistic practice. It also deals more widely with any other forms of books related to the art field. the publication brings together artists, publishers, gallery owners, academics, printers, bookbinders, booksellers, distributors, etc. as personalities with diverse practices and intentions, all serving a common context.
publication it’s interviews, talks, and book presentations that give a close look at editorial projects. Considering the book as an alternative space of expression and exhibition, each issue offers carte blanche to young and more established artists who have the opportunity to show their work through pages entirely dedicated to their project. publication revue is the first volume of a multidisciplinary project aimed to give artists’ editions a “public” status, open, accessible to all, and for the use of all.
Publication Revue No.1
ISBN 9782958190309
203 x 273 mm, 264pp: English, French
Softcover, Illustrations: Colors
backbonebooks (Claudia de la Torre), Rebekka Bauer, BlackMass Publishing (Yusuf Hassan), BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE (Lucie Ducrey, Lucas Liccini, Elena Malzew, Manuel Raeder), Bookadviser (Christophe Daviet-Thery), Hannah Darabi, Jérôme Dupeyrat, Lorraine Druon, JAB: The Journal of Artists’ Books (Brad Freeman), Florence Loewy, Marine Montagné, Michalis Pichler, 3 Studio (Zaïneb Hamdi, Kim Sa Ly Thuy, Anaïs Mendroux), Guillemette Ridet

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Berlin-based project space and publishing house, showcases international artists and designers through exhibitions that transform the concept of a book into three-dimensional space, while also publishing these exhibitions in book format to highlight the medium of artists' books.