Micro Books - Gumball Universe Kits
Das Kunstbuch, AU
VCU Qatar Library, Doha QA
Micro Books - Gumball Universe + 8 Micro Books Kits
To someone who can't make a visit einBuch.haus during the exhibition, we're offering a kit containing 8 micro books + a catalogue.
Gumball Universe ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Nina Prader und Malte Spindler. Mit den kleinsten Büchern werden große Botschaften vermittelt. Seit drei Jahren teilen Prader und Spindler ihre Liebe für Kaugummiautomaten und unabhängiges Mikroverlegen.
Von dem ersten Kaugummiautomaten an der Fassade eines Museums bis hin zu nomadischen Installationen auf Kunstbuchausstellungen und -messen. Die nächste Station ist das einBuch.haus. Das Universum entfaltet sich abermals mit mehr Künstler*innen, mit mehr Maschinen, mehr Mikro Büchern als je zuvor. Das Universum ist dynamisch und bereit dich zu erstaunen.
Gumball Universe is a project and joint venture by Nina Prader and Malte Spindler, exploring how independent publishing can take the smallest forms with big messages. For three years, Prader and Spindler have shared their love for gumball machines and independent micro-publishing.
From the first solo gumball machine on the facade of a museum to nomadic installations at various art book fairs and exhibitions. The next destination is einBuch.haus. Unfolding once more with more artists, more machines, and more micro books than ever before. The universe is dynamic and ready to amaze you with the smallest books.
Catalogue _Micro Books - Gumball Universe
Ed. Nina Prader
Lady Liberty Press & Lucky Punch Press, 2022
44x63 mm, 100 pp, English
Risograph Druck: Lucky Punch Press
Grafikdesign: Malte Spindler
Limited edition of 100
Micro Books
Nina Prader, Feedback Sandwich, Lady Liberty Press, 2022
25x25mm, English, Foil laminated on laser print, tack-bound, wrapped in a parchment paper bag.
Editions of 80
Malte Spindler, Peace is more precious than triumph, Lucky Punch Press, 2022
20x25mm, 60 pages, Tack-bound, laser print, foiled cover.
Tine Fetz, Don’t wake up, 2022
12x130mm, wound to a Möbius-Strip, Risograph print in red, mint green, blue and black.
Katharina Kamph, Eikosi, Drink more Water!, 2022
Folding manual a) + b) and attached slipcase. Risograph print, hand-folded and hand-cut.
Signed editions of 50
Johannes Mundinger, Envisioned Possibilities, 2022
20x25mm, 28 pages, Tack bound, laser print
Sophia Hirsh, Thessaloniki Sketchbook, 2022
20x25mm, 12 pages, Laser print, zine-fold.
Esther Samuels-Davis, Hey Lady, 2022
20x20mm,Risograph print in blue, red, yellow and black. Leporello bound.
Broadway Boogie Woogie Claudia de la Torre, 2022
20x20mm, Indigo print, Leporello bound, Numbered editions of 40

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Berlin-based project space and publishing house, showcases international artists and designers through exhibitions that transform the concept of a book into three-dimensional space, while also publishing these exhibitions in book format to highlight the medium of artists' books.