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Books on books

Future Book(s)—Sharing Ideas on Books and (Art) Publishing

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What is the future of the book? And, specifically, what is the future of books on art, design and architecture, and cultural-critical publications? A large number of international interested individuals was asked to respond to this question. Journalists, artists, architects, curators, translators, designers, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, book scholars, publishers, printing houses, distributors, booksellers, historians and art-historians, critics, policymakers, editors, students, and many others have enthusiastically shared their views, looking ahead five, twenty, or seventy-two years (to the year 2100).
At times utopian, wildly fantasizing, at other times with realistic scenarios, in both text and images, exciting for anyone who loves books and / or is involved in books and cultural content. Each section of this publication was designed by various young designers, to celebrate its scope and diversity.

Themes: Attention, Collaboration, Colour, Conflict, Craft, Creativity, Diversity, Ecology, Generations, History, Humor, Innovation, Interpretation, Oxygen, Politics, Society, Stewardship, Sustainability, Soft Power, Technique, Tempo, Translation, Zest.

Future Book(s)—Sharing Ideas on Books and (Art) Publishing
Ed. Astrid Vorstermans, Pia Pol
Valiz, 2023

170 x 240 mm, 240 pages

ISBN: 978-94-93246-27-0

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