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Art Theory

The End of Books

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“There is no death of the book, but rather a new way of reading,” state the two philosophers Gilles Delleuze and Félix Guattari in their wonderful text “Rhizome”1.

For every book invites us to appropriate what we have read in an individual way. In doing so, we multiply our view of our existence; we liberate thinking from conventions. This does not necessarily mean that we have to understand a text, rather the book is a tool of our perception of the world. It is, just as Mallarmé notes, also a spiritual instrument. Bookends reflect exactly this special tool-character.

Between 2019 and 2022 the authors Alberto Vieceli and Sebastian Cremers collected more than 2,000 images of bookends. The diversity of books calls for a certain order. How we order something also reflects our way of thinking.

The End of Books represents a subtle dramaturgy of the entire cosmos of book genres. Diverse objects relating to each other are depicting a story of thoughts and our existence.

The End of Books
Alberto Vieceli, Sebastian Cremers
Everyeditions, 2022

ISBN 9783907384022
240 x 330 mm, 288pp: English

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