Publishing in the Asian Diaspora

Publishing in the Asian Diaspora

Talk / Gespräch
Oct 14, 2024, 19 hr

w/ Sam Kim, Kenneth Lin and Savannah Garcia


Book makers and artistic researchers Savannah Garcia (ALPAS Pilipinas), Sam Kim (Common Imprint) and Kenneth Lin (Nomad Papaya Books) discuss the publishing practices of the Asian diaspora in Berlin and building a bridge to independent publishing communities in Asia.

Die Buchmacher*innen und künstlerischen Forschenden Savannah Garcia (ALPAS Pilipinas), Sam Kim (Common Imprint), und Kenneth Lin (Nomad Papaya Books) diskutieren über die Verlagspraktiken der asiatischen Diaspora in Berlin und das Brückenschlagen zu unabhängigen Verlagsgemeinschaften in Asien.

Invited artists & curator
Sam Kim is a graphic designer based in Berlin. He is the director of Common Imprint, which was opened to the public in June 2023. The space presents over 600 independent publications from Asia and aims to create a shared platform for investigating publication-related disciplines from South East- and East Asia.

Kenneth Lin is a visual artist. He is the founder of Nomad Papaya books, an art book/zine publishing house focusing on transition of culture(s) and identit(ies), based in Taiwan/Germany. Nomad Papaya books navigates itself from a Taiwanese perspective and tries to form new relationships through publishing practice.

Savannah Garcia is a French-Filipino researcher with a background in arts and social sciences. Currently based in Berlin, she continues her research on the relationship between home and nation in global history. She is also a member of ALPAS Pilipinas and co-founder of Banana Ketchup, a zine dedicated to unfolding and deconstructing colonial narratives.


Publishing as Collective Practice

Sourcing and sharing knowledge on artistic self-publishing
Sammeln und Teilen von Wissen über künstlerisches Verlegen
April 2024 – October 2024

Make a reportage on print production, learn about ephemeral distribution strategies, discuss multilingual publishing, book design, dream-zines and more! Six evenings of public gathering in art/book spaces throughout Berlin.
Gestalte eine Reportage über Druckproduktionen, lerne über ephemere Distributionsstrategien, diskutiere über multilinguales Publizieren, Buchgestaltung, Traum-zines und mehr! Sechs öffentliche Veranstaltungen in Kunst- und Buchräumen in ganz Berlin.

All events are open to the public and will be held in English. German can be partly accommodated.

Alle Veranstaltungen sind öffentlich und in englisch. Deutsche Übersetzung teilweise möglich.

Colorama Space – Drontheimer Straße 6 – 13359 Berlin
Hopscotch Reading Room – Kurfürstenstraße 14 – 10785 Berlin – Florastraße 61 – 13187 Berlin

hosted by Colorama Space
in partnership with Hopscotch Reading Room and funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds

Tagged with: 2024

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Florastraße 61, 13187 Berlin

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Book Presentation / Buchvorstellung

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