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Explore artists' books and print editions created by artists who have showcased their work at einBuch.haus.

The wall is a piece of paper.

Micah Lexier

Architecture is Frozen Music

Laure Catugier

A theatre of shapes

Sarah Boris

Works on paper

Rahel Zoller

Algae Paper from Finistère

Julien Villaret

ma-eum: Wandernde Gemüter

Jeong Hwa Min

Cities in Flight, or the Satellite Variations

Claudia de la Torre

Paraphrase /ˈpærəfreɪz/

An Onghena

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For more information about our projects, feel free to reach out to us.

Florastr. 61, 13187 Berlin

(030) 3036-1777

Obere Obere