Fluxus Art for All
This book offers an in-depth analysis of the prominent role Italy came to play in the Fluxus movement, which emerged in the late 1950s. It explores the editorial experience of Fluxus, the creation of “editions” – objects, graphics, artists’ books – and the important role this had in the movement’s spread. Inexpensive to produce and easy to distribute, these works were accessible to the wider public and in turn contributed to the Fluxus goal of democratising art and identifying it with social change. Fed by the cultural and artistic atmosphere awakened in Italy in a period when traditional practices were being destabilised, Fluxus became a beacon for artistic collaboration.
Fluxus Art for All
Ed. P. Peterlini; M. Corgnati
Danilo Montanari Editore, 2023
170 x 240 mm, 158 pages, Italian & English
perfect binding, softcover
ISBN: 9791280750174

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