Order, disorder, dis-or-der. The essence of things is chaos, while objects are put in the wrong place.
Seeing the existence of every object as an inspiration, this book seeks to reorganise subconscious through the wastes/treasures from the warehouse that had been abandoned for seven years. After the subconscious reorganisation, these objects invite you to experience the pre-existing chaos within them and decode a new aesthetics.
Featuring 93 daily / non-daily scenes of unknown timeframes and dimensions, a photo book of abandoned objects is composed. 26 zuihitsu (loosely connected personal essays and fragmented ideas) on the selected objects from multiple perspectives such as psychology, popular culture, occult, and sociology further encourage you to liberate your imagination and digest the content in your own way.
SUPER ADD Studio, 2019
19,5 x 26,7cm, 144 pages;
English/Mandarin Chinese
Full color printing, Leather-bound hardcover
ISBN 978-986-97895-0-9
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