‘To C.L.S.’, ‘For A.L.M.’, ‘In Memory of J.V.C.’ – Starting from his collection of three-letter dedications, Robin Waart’s artist book “Dedication(s)” looks at public yet hidden modes of address. While these dedications appear in printed books, they remain private, intimate allusions between author and intended recipient. The project infers the strange position of the reader who encounters these cryptic dedications, which perhaps get in the way of—or better clarify?—the relationship between author and audience. Waart’s book questions the relationship between a work and the reality in which it comes about, and why, and for whom, we make what we make.
Stichting Mei, Amstelveen 2018
26 x 20 x 0.7 cm, 60 pages (27 dedications) Perfect bound, with separate sleeve, stiff dust jacket with flaps
Offset and watermark on paper
Edition of 800
Book design by Jonas Wandeler (Atlas Studio, Zurich)

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Ein Projektraum und ein Verlag mit Sitz in Berlin, präsentiert internationale Künstler*innen und Grafiker*innen durch Ausstellungen, die das Konzept eines Buches in den dreidimensionalen Raum übertragen, und veröffentlicht diese Ausstellungen zudem in Buchform, um das Medium des Künstlerbuches hervorzuheben.