DOMUSONG is a record of Yejou Lee’s first solo exhibition in 2017, Unused Space, as well as works from related projects. This book was born from the ‘scrap paper’ that Lee has collected since 2015 commuting to her own design studio in Chungmuro, the printing district. It talks about the notion of ‘Domusong’ which is the method of cutting out paper into desired shapes after printing, through paper, space, and objects.
*Domusing: It refers to the name of the machine which cuts out desired shapes using platen press, or such printing method of processing after printing. It is also called die-cutting since it uses metal die to cut out specific shapes by applying pressure onto the material. Since ‘Tompson,’ developed by the British company ‘T.C. Thompson and Sons,’ was exported to Japan, the machine has come to be called ‘Domusong,’ the Japanese way of pronunciation of it.DOMUSONG consists of three volumes of books, 3MM, FRAME, and IN & OUT.
Yejou Lee
Yesung Eng, 2020
29,7 x 21,5cm, 24 pages;
Paperback, offset print
ISBN 979-11-967756-0-5 (94600)
Yejou Lee
Yesung Eng, 2019
29,7 x 21,5cm, 96 pages;
Paperback, offset print
ISBN 979-11-967756-1-2 (94600)
Yejou Lee
Yesung Eng, 2019
29,7 x 21,5cm, 48 pages;
Paperback, offset print
ISBN 979-11-967756-3-6 (94600)

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