Fluxus, Again! A History of a Radical Experience 1952-1962-2022
Fluxus was a cultural, visual, and social adventure that began in 1962. But the journey to that point started a decade earlier, in 1952, thanks to John Cage at Black Mountain College. As the 1960s progressed, linguistic and formal experiments emerged between Europe, the United States, and Japan that formed an innovative paradigm outside of the accepted aesthetic conventions up until that time. Through narratives and detailed explorations, this volume tells the story of this remarkable post-war period, bringing it into the present moment. The book relies on iconographic and archival materials belonging to Luigi Bonotto, one of the most relevant Fluxus collections in Europe.
Fluxus, Again! A History of a Radical Experience 1952-1962-2022
Text by Federica Boragina, Marina Morbiducci, Michela Morelli, Patrizio Peterlini, Gianni Emilio Simonetti
Danilo Montanari, Fondazione Bonotto, 2022
210 x 210 mm, 108 pages, Italian & English
Offsetprint, perfect binding, softcover
ISBN: 9788885449992
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