When Antoine Lefebvre realized that one of the rarest ephemeras of the Situationist International was almost in the same (unusual) format as the experimental typography journal La Perruque, Lefebvre felt compelled to make a bootleg reprint in collaboration with the magazine, for which I cropped the margins of the original tract to make it fit (from 2 × 90 cm to 1 × 90 cm). There is hardly any information about this tract in the writings on the Situationist International, but one can easily imagine that its singular format stems from the same publishing approach as La Perruque: the complicity of a printer who must have let the Situationists slip this tract into the margins of a regular printing job: a kind of “anticipatory plagiarism,” as Pierre Bayard would say.
Aux producteurs de l’art moderne…
antoine lefebvre editions
La Perruque #20, 2020
1 x 90 cm et 16 pp mini-zine, offset & digital print, 200 copies.

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Berlin-based project space and publishing house, showcases international artists and designers through exhibitions that transform the concept of a book into three-dimensional space, while also publishing these exhibitions in book format to highlight the medium of artists' books.