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Opening Times: Tue + Wed + Sat, 11 - 15 hr / Thu - Fri, 11 - 18 hr

A.ssemble / Asian Artbook House


A.ssemble / Asian Artbook House
Yejou Lee, Takahiro Murahashi, Son Ni, SUPER ADD Studio

August 5 - 28, 2021

Vernissage⎢Thurs. Aug. 5, 18 - 22 hr 

In cooperation with Yourmind (Seoul), On Reading (Nagoya), nos:bookspace (Taipei), pon ding (Taipei)

For the group show A.ssemble and the event Asian Artbook House, collaborates with four 'Books & Gallery' platforms (Yourmind, On Reading, nos:bookspace, pon ding) located in Asia and exhibits selected books and prints.

Each platform has chosen one artbook for the exhibition and coincidentally the four artists’ works are collage-based. In this exhibition, the seemingly random, cluttered objects and their individual imagery interact effectively with each other, creating a harmonious assemblage in our subconscious.

In the background of developing this project lies the ongoing restrictions on gatherings and travel bans due to the pandemic. Our opportunities to visit other continents or experience different cultures have been scarce and so too in art. However, unlike us, artworks can travel relatively freely. By bringing together artworks from different platforms in Asia to in Berlin, ‘A.ssemble’ reminds us the importance of being open, the beauty of harmony and that we can interact regardless of restrictions. is a place for everyone. The platform is open to creatives and curators who specialise in artists' books, for example, as well as to anyone who is interested in books. By presenting artists’ books in its media-specific mobility and accessibility, people from different backgrounds and countries are welcome to participate.

* The project Asian Artbook House (original title: Asian Artbook Club) was first conceptualised by Yourmind (Seoul, South Korea) in Feb.2021.



3MM, FRAME, IN & OUT (DOMUSONG #1, 2, 3) 

DOMUSONG is a record of Yejou Lee’s first solo exhibition Unused Space in 2017, as well as works from related projects. This book was born from the ‘scrap paper’ that Lee has collected since 2015 commuting to her own design studio in Chungmuro, the printing district. It talks about the notion of ‘Domusong*’ which is the method of cutting out paper into desired shapes after printing, through paper, space, and objects.

*Domusong: It refers to the name of the machine which cuts out desired shapes using platen press, or such printing method of processing after printing. It is also called die-cutting since it uses metal die to cut out specific shapes by applying pressure onto the material. Since ‘Tompson,’ developed by the British company ‘T.C. Thompson and Sons,’ was exported to Japan, the machine has come to be called ‘Domusong,’ the Japanese way of pronunciation of it.

Yejou Lee

Lee is a graphic designer based in Seoul. She has graduated from the Graduate School of Paju Typography Institute(PaTI) in 2015, and currently runs the design studio ‘YESUNG ENG.’ She had co-planned and edited Bb: From Basel to Bauhaus (2014) and published Museum of Memory (2015), Domusong Series (2020).

She had her solo exhibitions Unused Space (2017), 3MM (2020) and participated in group shows such as Seoul International Typography Biennale: Typojanchi (2017), Gwangju Biennale (2018).


A collection of works by collage artist Takahiro Murahashi.
In the past, he has used the technique of collage to create two-dimensional works that resemble abstract sculptures. In this work, “DOROTHY,” by adding more figurative elements and composition, he has created a mysterious work that seems to move between fiction and reality.These mysterious forms, which look like artifacts of some species, idols, super-ancient orphans, or creatures from the future, remind us of sacred beings that are worshipped in our daily lives and in the religious world.

Takahiro Murahashi

Born in 1979. Graduated from Musashino Art University. He is an artist who mainly uses the collage technique to present his works. Also works as a graphic designer and illustrator for advertisements, magazines, and books, and is active in the art project "guse ars" with Satomi Iwase.


Series12, 12 

Series 12 consists of twelve folio-books titled consecutively from 1 to 12. Each title consists of a number of “copies” genuinely hand-traced by the artist from her original drawings, producing an edition size limited by its corresponding title.

The total price of each edition is the same. The price of each copy is the above price divided by the edition number.

Son Ni

Son Ni (b.1984), born and raised up in Taipei, Taiwan. The artist primarily focuses in drawings, draws and re-draws, edits and re-edits in the pool of drawings. Son Ni founded nos:books in 2008, making a balance between drawing and publishing.

Her works are published by nieves, Lagon, dmp editions, and are exhibited in the US, UK, France, Switzerland and Japan. Her major books include The Calabash, The Great Fall, The Sun’s Shadow, Series 12, The Well Tempered Us. Her books are collected in Thomas J. Watson Library of the MET Museum, and MoMA Library in the US. 


Order, disorder, dis-or-der. The essence of things is chaos, while objects are put in the wrong place. Seeing the existence of every object as an inspiration, this book seeks to reorganise subconscious through the wastes/treasures from the warehouse that had been abandoned for seven years. After the subconscious reorganisation, these objects invite you to experience the pre-existing chaos within them and decode a new aesthetics.

Featuring 93 daily / non-daily scenes of unknown timeframes and dimensions, a photo book of abandoned objects is composed. 26 zuihitsu (loosely connected personal essays and fragmented ideas) on the selected objects from multiple perspectives such as psychology, popular culture, occult, and sociology further encourage you to liberate your imagination and digest the content in your own way.



Founded in 2012 by Cotton disco, SUPER ADD Studio is an artist and art studio in Taipei, specialize in installation art and creative-direction. Studio practices new ideas via images, spaces, installations, campaigns, curation, text, act and films, explores entertaining concept through art services and experiences.



Exhibition View: A.ssemble / Asian Artbook House,, 2021 (Photo: Mikyung Song)


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