On Collecting Artists' Books
In 2018, the Turin-based gallery owner Liliana Dematteis decided to entrust her invaluable collection of artists' books to the Thomas J. Watson Library of the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
The volume On collecting artists' books aims to pay homage to this important collection, born from Dematteis' experience as a scholar, publisher and director of Galleria Martano, by proposing a comparison between Italian and American artists who, between the 1960s and 1970s, approached this practice. In both countries, in fact, different artistic movements saw in this everyday object not only an alternative and effective vehicle of content, but also a stimulating ground for experimentation.
This selection of volumes, which compares some of the most emblematic books of Arte Povera, Minimal Art, Performance Art, Fluxus and Visual Poetry, is edited by Melania Gazzotti, and is introduced by texts by Liliana Dematteis, Giorgio Di Domenico, Ken Soehner, and Tony White.
On Collecting Artists' Books
Curator: Melania Gazzotti
Corraini Edizioni, 2023
170 x 240 mm, 112 pages, Italian and English
stitched binding
ISBN: 9788875708443

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Ein Projektraum und ein Verlag mit Sitz in Berlin, präsentiert internationale Künstler*innen und Grafiker*innen durch Ausstellungen, die das Konzept eines Buches in den dreidimensionalen Raum übertragen, und veröffentlicht diese Ausstellungen zudem in Buchform, um das Medium des Künstlerbuches hervorzuheben.