Druck Druck Druck: Print Communities from Berlin and Beyond
This book documents Druck Druck Druck, a multidisciplinary, multi-format exhibition held at Körnerpark Gallery, Berlin, from 13th April to the 14th of August 2019. Bringing the print studio into gallery and making a space for independent print-based communities from Berlin and beyond, Druck Druck Druck explored how printing techniques can be used to achieve radical goals in art, education and community.
Risograph, silkscreen, mimeograph, letterpress, xerox; prints, zines, magazines, artist’s books; exhibitions, installations, workshops, discussions, presentations, reading rooms: over four months, different artists and projects were invited to Körnerpark to generate environments for creating, learning, sharing, reading, publishing and trading. Transformed into an artistic community center, the exhibition evolved and shape-shifted over time.
Druck Druck Druck: Print Communities from Berlin and Beyond
Ed.Nina Prader John Z. Komurki
Text: Dorothee Bienert, Birgit Binder, Johanna Hardt, Deniz Beşer, Siddhartha Lokanandi
Design: Luca Bogoni
Published in 2020 by Galerie im Körnerpark
170 x 240 mm, 116pp: German, English
ISBN 978-3-7757-4595-6
Edition of 500

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