// Breaking of Symmetry
Symmetry breaks are an indispensable conceptual framework of condensed matter physics. This paradigm not only serves to explain the “diversity of phases of matter”, one of the fundamental issues in physics today, but also contributes to almost every intellectual pursuit, from biology and astronomy to the social sciences. Today, contemporary quantum physicists explain all that and creation in the world with symmetry breaks. Breaking the symmetry means that perfect symmetry loses its symmetry and leaves itself to the multitude, revealing all kinds of phenomena that appear around us. However, without the breaking of symmetry, we would see everything around us in one and perfect symmetry; so the multitude would not be visible to us.
A poet-interlocutor animates the soliloquies of a physicist, recording and transcribing the latter’s insights on quantum physics and symmetry breaking. The poet chisels this mass of text, wherefrom the discourse of physics gives way to poetry and mysticism.
// Breaking of Symmetry
Efe Murad & Sina Zeytinoğlu
ISBN 9786057152336
135 x 210 mm, 143 pp; Turkish & English
Translation by Fahri Öz & Efe Murad
Proofreading by Joanna Burdzel
Penrose tiles by Sina Zeytinoğlu
Design by Sevinç Çalhanoğlu

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