Urban Telematics
Urban Telematics recombines and visualizes the space-time of city in the same way as a communication network based on replication, movement, and juxtaposition of data.
In Urban Telematics, architecture, a material component of urban space, is expressed in the manner of a network, which is an immaterial component of urban space, and a network, an immaterial component of urban space, is in turn expressed in an image made up of material lines, and the two images are then superimposed onto each other.
The urban space, composed of replication, movement, and juxtaposition becomes approximate to a phantasm as if fiction and reality were coexisting, causing a crack in the world as we perceive it out of inertia. Through this, the work induces contemplation about 'Originality' within the attributes of urban space which expands itself through self-replication, and it also raises a question about individuals' emotional ownership and sense of loss they feel in urban space.
Urban Telematics
Byeonggon Shin
piece.photo, 2019
ISBN 979-11-964894-6-5
230 x 340mm, 40p; Korean, English
PET Soft cover
500 of Editions

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