The Future of Art Book Festivals
Art Book Fairs have become a way of life for thousands of artist publishers all over the world, replacing exhibitions as a dominant method of sharing creative work for many. It's a welcome thing that the form of these fairs is getting a critical appraisal from some publishers who would like to see the infrastructure changed in various ways, or at the very least, would like to see more conversations about these things rather than a passive acceptance of how fairs are organized and function.
With this short but rich essay, Moritz Grünke from the imprint Gloria Glitzer raises a number of concerns from his many years as both a participant in art book fairs, as well as a co-organzer of the Miss Read fair in Berlin for over seven years.
The Future of Art Book Festivals Formerly Known as Fairs
Gloria Glitzer, 2023
120 x 195 mm, 12p. EN
Editied by Florian Grünke
First edition fo 250

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Ein Projektraum und ein Verlag mit Sitz in Berlin, präsentiert internationale Künstler*innen und Grafiker*innen durch Ausstellungen, die das Konzept eines Buches in den dreidimensionalen Raum übertragen, und veröffentlicht diese Ausstellungen zudem in Buchform, um das Medium des Künstlerbuches hervorzuheben.