The Questions Library Catalogue
On the occasion of an exhibition at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Claudia de la Torre initiated her project “The Questions Library” as a work in progress in 2012. In the exhibition space she sets up a library with carpet, table and chairs, a reading lamp and bookshelves. Through an open call for entries, visitors are invited to donate books that contain a question in the title. The items received are registered and catalogued according to the type of question. The stock of books thus grows over the duration of the exhibition. Following the exhibition, the artist produces a catalogue with the covers of all new acquisitions. To date, “The Questions Library” has been shown in four exhibitions and the stock of books has grown to about 600 titles.
The present publication is a re-edition of the three catalogues, which are now out of print, and brings together the title pages of all the books in the library in a sequence compiled by Claudia de la Torre especially for this publication to form a narrative by means of the texts on the covers.
The Questions Library Catalogue
Claudia de la Torre
Edition Fink, 2016
100 x 160mm; 480 pages
Softcover, offset print
Edition of 1000

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Ein Projektraum und ein Verlag mit Sitz in Berlin, präsentiert internationale Künstler*innen und Grafiker*innen durch Ausstellungen, die das Konzept eines Buches in den dreidimensionalen Raum übertragen, und veröffentlicht diese Ausstellungen zudem in Buchform, um das Medium des Künstlerbuches hervorzuheben.