SIDE A - 2nd edition
Mumok (AT)
Bower Asht- on Library (UK)
Joan Flasch Artists' Books Collection (USA)
Kunstbibliothek (DE)
Kunstenbibliotheek (BE)
Side A has been crafted using words extracted from "Cities in Flight," a four-volume science fiction novel written by James Blish between 1950 and 1962, later published in 1970. Science fiction delves into alternative worlds, revealing new potential realities. This book is just one of myriad potential outcomes that words and their combinations can produce. De la Torre carefully selected each word, page by page, by dog-earing the pages, allowing them to form new configurations and sentences. When read, these words interlace to weave a coherent narrative.
A book is a place. This book is a site-specific work, only possible within this story. This constellations manifest themselves as shapes within the white page, the words floating.
While the word choice is intentional, the black shapes appear as a result of her selection, functioning as arrows pointing into a new direction. she often thinks about how the pages of the book rub each other, overlapping and creating new layers charged with meaning.
Claudia de la Torre
backbonebooks, 2024
148 x 210mm; 600 pages
Softcover, black and white digital print
Second edition of 50

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